Mil-DDS Internet of Things (IoT) Suite
The OMG Data Distribution Service for Real-Time Systems (DDS) is an open international middleware standard that supports data-centric publish-subscribe communications that aims to enable scalable, real-time, dependable, high-performance and interoperable data exchanges for large-scale distributed systems.
Mil-DDS Core Messaging Suite
The MilSoft DDS (Mil-DDS) product supports the following technical specifications at minimum:
- OMG DDS v1.2 compliance (Minimum Profile, Persistence Profile, Content Subscription Profile, Ownership Profile)
- OMG Interoperability Wire Protocol (RTPS) v2.1 compliance
- Operating Systems (Windows all, Linux — tested on CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, UNIX — tested on Solaris)
- Processors (x86, x64, ARM, SPARC)
- Programming Languages (C++, C#/.NET, Java)
- Transports (UDPv4 Unicast & Multicast)
- Tools (DDS SPY — Test and Monitoring Tool, DDS Modeler — Type & Application Modeling Tool)
- Documentation
Mil-DDS IoT Suite
DDS is a protocol for the IoT which enables network interoperability for connected machines, enterprise systems, and mobile devices. It provides scalability, performance, and Quality of Service required to support IoT applications.
DDS can be deployed in platforms ranging from low-footprint devices to the Cloud and supports efficient bandwidth usage as well as agile orchestration of system components. It provides a global data space for analytics and enables flexible real-time system integration.
Below are the optional packages that can be separately added to the core product suite.
- Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) support — tested on VxWorks
- DDS Recording Service — record/replay real-time data in MongoDB
- DDS Routing Service — system integration and WAN support over TCP/IP
- DDS Security Plug-in — encryption, authentication, access control (OpenSSL)
- DDS Web Service — enables web clients through HTTP/REST JSON with JavaScript API / Node.js support
- DDS XTypes — type evolution and dynamic types
- Custom Gateways — through other protocols and DDS (i.e. MQTT, COAP)
- DDS Device — targets mobile and low resource IoT devices/sensors
- DDS Cloud — platform as a service (PaaS) for time-to-market
- DDS Big Data & Analytics — data ingestion & storage for real-time analytics (Storm)
Originally published at on April 4, 2015.