Productivity Tips for App Lovers

(Updated: May, 2020) How to perform at your peak with the help of mobile apps

Abdullah Ozturk - Blog
6 min readDec 15, 2018

Energy, not time, is the fundamental source of efficiency and high performance.

1. Use apps to remind you to take a break

The recovery is an integral part of sustaining high levels of energy and thus high performance. Have a life-sustaining rhythm and disengage at regular intervals i.e. rest every 90 to 120 minutes.

Time Out: Break Reminders

2. Use apps to track hydration and water drinking

Drink enough water. Mild dehydration (fluid loss of 1–3%) can impair energy levels and mood, and lead to major reductions in memory and brain performance.

My Water: Drink Reminder

3. Use apps for sleep tracking

Take optimum amount of sleep. Having not enough sleep impairs your creativity, problem-solving, and memory that won’t help your productivity.

Pillow: Automatic Sleep Tracker

4. Use apps to track your workouts (gym, or home exercises)

Work out regularly, and incorporate small exercises into your everyday lives.

  • Exercise is shown to reduce stress, combat fatigue, improve performance and lead to fewer workday absences.
  • Your sleep quality improves, thus ready to tackle another day.
  • Exercise ensures proper brain function by keeping blood, glucose and oxygen levels high, and feeding the brain.
  • Even, regular non-intensive exercise seems to boost the size of the area of the brain (hippocampus) involved in verbal memory and learning.
Seven: Quick At Home Workouts

5. Use apps to help you eat healthy food and lose weight

Even though all foods give you energy, some foods contain nutrients that could help increase your energy levels and maintain your alertness and focus throughout the day.

The advice for healthful eating also applies to keeping your energy level high: eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of unrefined carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, with an emphasis on vegetables, whole grains, and healthy oils.

Simple: Fasting & Meal Tracker

6. Use apps to discover new hobbies and communities

Figure out an emotional renewal strategy: any activity that you find fulfilling and captivating and helps you to relax.

MeetUp: Meet new people, do new things

7. Use apps to track your new ‘good’ habits

Build new habits. Train your rituals by carefully pushing beyond your comfort zones: start by building rituals in increments, focusing on one lifestyle change at a time, and then build upon that improvement with new rituals.

Strides: Goals & Habits Tracker

8. Use apps for self-improvement to make you smarter, stronger, and happier

Continuously educate yourself for new skills. Face the truth about yourself and accept your limitations that will increase your positive energy. If you identify a performance barrier, then admit it so that you can figure out how to overcome it.

Udemy: Online Video Courses

9. Use apps for writing a journal to discover your personal core values

Ask yourself what matters most to you and create a vision statement to have a clear way of knowing whether your actions are congruent with your values. Connect to your deepest values to fuel the energy that will give your life a purpose.

Moleskine Journey

10. Use apps for spirituality, meditation, wellness and positive thinking

Find a source of motivation beyond your self-interest, i.e., a purpose in life that helps us to act positively, and balances your guiding purpose.

Regular practice of meditation will increase your concentration power which leads to an increase in productivity.

HeadSpace: Mindfulness for your everyday life

11. Use apps to train your brain and mental health

Unlock your creative potential by giving both hemispheres a workout. Train your mental energy to stay focused and creative at the same time.

Elevate: Brain Training Games

12. Use apps to manage your time and avoid procrastination

Find ways to focus most efficiently on your work i.e. use the Pomodoro technique.

Focus Keeper: Pomodoro Time Management

13. Use apps to find and remind your positive and intrinsically motivating purpose

A sense of purpose is the motivation behind our engagement and commitment to what we do. Discover your goals and wishes from the life.

iWish: Life Goals and Bucket List

14. Use apps to help you to discover new worlds and adopt realistic optimism

Adopt realistic optimism i.e. viewing the world “as it is” while simultaneously working positively toward your desired outcome. Always be honest, trustable and best of yourself.

Travel more, discover the world and eat local foods…

TripAdvisor: Travels & Restaurants


In order to perform at our peak and feel our very best, we must maximise each of these energy levels*;

  • physical energy — that is required to move or think
  • emotional flexibility — that allows us to demonstrate a wide range of emotions appropriate to a given situation rather than responding with rigidity
  • mental endurance — that keeps us focused and concentrated over time
  • spiritual strength — that helps us stay connected to our deepest values, which act as our life’s compass

* based on the The Power of Full Engagement book

I’ve only recommended apps I am personally using to exemplify my points. There are many alternatives for each app in the market. In case, you think I’d give another app a try, please leave a note for me to keep this list up-to-date.




Abdullah Ozturk - Blog

Software engineer. Distributed systems enthusiast. #data, #iot, #mobile, #scalability, #cplusplus, #java